Customer Testimonials

We have many testaments to our good service and professional, high quality workmanship.

“Thank you for your excellent and courteous service. I would gladly recommend you to friends and family.”

Mrs. White, Deal

“Dear Victorian Sash, Thank you for your prompt and tidy workmanship. We are feeling the benefit already, something we should have done years ago. We very much value your skilled knowledge and extensive experience .”

Mrs. Newgreen, Finglesham

“Dear Victorian Sash, thank you for carrying out servicing and repairs so promptly and professionally.”

Mr. Moore, Ramsgate

“Dear John, We are delighted with our windows and the excellent work you have done. A big thank you.”

Mrs. Forster, Ramsgate

“Thank you John for doing such a good job on our windows, Risa & David”

Theresa Shief

“Thank you for carrying out servicing and repairs so promptly and professionally, John. We're very pleased and should have done this years ago.”

Tim Potter

“Beautiful job John. Thanks to Phil's craftmanship, we expect our windows are better than when they were new.”

Mr. & Mrs. Wilson, Ash

“Couldn't be more happy, traffic noise is noticeably quieter and we're warmer than ever - the windows are no longer cold to the touch.”

Miss. Thompson, Wingham

Further references available on request.